Tag Queries

Neuron supports tag link queries that can be used to dynamically create links based on a tag (see Tags).

For example, to link to all zettels with the “science” tag (from the example at Zettel metadata), you would add the following to your note:


When neuron encounters an URI with the z: protocol such as the above, it treats it as a link query. The z:zettels query in particular will link to all zettels tagged with the tag specified in the tag query parameter.


Here is a list of zettels tagged “walkthrough” on this very Zettelkasten:


The above list was produced by the link query [[z:zettels?tag=walkthrough]].

Folgezettel connections

Like Folgezettel Links, you can use # to specify whether the links should be a folgezettel.

Hierarchical tags

Queries can also link to zettels whose Tags match a glob pattern. Two kinds of patterns in particular are noteworthy:

  1. Simple globs: Simple globs (*) can be used to query all tags at a particular level in the hierarchy. For instance, [[z:zettels?tag=science/*]] will link to all zettels tagged “science/physics” and “science/biology”, but not “science/physics/kinematics”.

  2. Recursive globs: Recursive globs (**) are like simple globs, but they operate recursively, matching tags at all levels in the hierarchy. For instance, [[z:zettels?tag=science/**]] will also match “science/physics/kinematics”. This will also include zettels that are tagged “science” only, though this behavior can be avoided by querying “science/*/**” instead.

For a real-world example of link queries and hierarchical tags, see Alien Psychology (source).

Control flags

Link queries support a few query flags to control the link listing UI:

  • ?grouped: Group the results by matching tag (use with hierarchical tags)
  • ?timeline: Query and display the results as if they form a timeline. This flag,
    • selects only zettels with a date set (see Zettel metadata).
    • sorts the results by date.
    • display the date besides the link.
  • ?showid: Display the zettel ID alongside the zettel title (link).

Limit the amount of zettels

You can limit the amount of zettels to be shown in a query. This can be useful for e.g. a feed of posts.


Limitations of tag queries

Non-ascii tags must be URI encoded when using in tag queries. See this comment. Alternatively, if tagging in your case is semantically equivalent to linking, you may use Folgezettel Links.